Interference Archive
Brooklyn, NY
What Are You Most Passionate About?
We are incredibly passionate about the history of social movements. For the past five years we have been building an archive of social movement ephemera with the goal of not only documenting histories that often go untold in mainstream institutions, but also, through our series of free exhibitions and public events, engaging people with their own history and re-activating this archival material to inform current organizing work.
Who Is Your Hero? Why?
Our heros are the people documented in our archival collection who believed that change was possible and who mobilized to make that change happen. Many of them remain nameless, whether because they wished to be unnamed or because their stories have been left in the margins of history, but their work propels our existence today.
What Is Your Favorite Sound?
Our favorite sound is the gasp of excitement when a new archive visitor finds a document or artifact that connects with their own personal history.
What Project Would A Laptop Help You With?
Our main goal at Interference Archive is to give open access to our collection. One way we do that is by being open to the public four days a week; another way we are working on it is by cataloging our collection into an online database (https://catalog.
How would a laptop help you?
At present, we only have two laptops at the archive, so volunteers must bring laptops in order to participate. It doesn’t feel great to make this work accessible only to people with laptops; we’d really love to have a few extra laptops to share with volunteers who can’t bring their own.
What do you love about this project?
I personally LOVE Interference Archive because I am so passionate about connecting people with history, and I believe that history from below (the history of everyday people) is critical for understanding ourselves and the world around us.
What Languages do you speak?
English and Spanish.
Given a choice, would you prefer a Mac or PC?