Impact Story
Impact Story
I’m My Sister’s Keeper

TaWanna Archia, 44 years old, lives in Winston Salem, North Carolina.
She heads the organization “I’m My Sister’s Keeper,” which helps women recognize if they are silent victims of domestic violence.
“When I got the call (that she had been selected to receive a new Globetops laptop), I thought it was a joke,” TaWanna says. “I told my mom, and she thought I was making it up!”
(Funnily enough, TaWanna’s old laptop died the very same day that she found out about her new Globetops laptop.)
“It would take me years to purchase this on my own,” she says, gratefully. “It’s a huge honor for me.”

The new Mac laptop has since helped TaWanna design a new curriculum for her organization, to help educate her clients about their self-worth, their rights, and the many resources available to them.
It has also helped TaWanna’s organization find a bigger following on social media, where she now posts regularly. She’s also been designing new materials online for marketing and fund-raising.
TaWanna says her laptop donor, Ray Jowdy, probably “didn’t realize the magnitude of giving such a great gift.” “It would take me years to purchase this on my own,” she says, gratefully. “It’s a huge honor for me.”