
Ousmane Bah

56 – Kindia

What Project Would A Laptop Help You With?

Friends of Kindia for Support and Solidarity.

Short Description Of Project

We support to the community of Kindia with reforestation projects, socio-cultural activities, and aid for individuals in need.

How Would A Laptop Help You?

We need a computer to bring together all of our information. We do many activities but we cannot keep our data. We also will use Microsoft Excel to manage our cash box, do accounting, and for general management.

Finally, a computer is important for preservation. We cannot keep ideas only in our heads. They will leave when we do. If you want to share, they need to be written. If they are written on a computer they can be easily shared. We conduct interviews will older members of village communities to save our oral history. Without a computer this information is only on a sheet of paper and is liable to be lost or destroyed forever.

What Languages do you speak?

French, SuSu, Malinke, Pular